Saturday, June 18, 2011

~Spring Into Summer - Update #6~


  • Total Books Read: 1
  • Total Pages Read: 413 Pages
  • Books Read Since Last Update: 1
  • Pages Read since last update: 112
  • Total time read: 1 hour.
  • Currently Reading: "Very Bad Men " by Harry Dolan
  • How I'm currently feeling: I finished "The Midwife's Confession" last night, and just began "Very Bad Men" - more hopeful about getting more reading done today! :)

Mini Challenge:

Put two characters from different series together (romantically or otherwise) and describe why they would be good together.

I know this just sounds silly, but I think it would totally rock if Eric Northman of "The Sookie Stackhouse" novels mated with Rosalie Hale of the "Twilight" saga. I mean, can you IMAGINE the babies they'd make. They'd be the new "Brangelina" of our times - but like, ten times paler, more beautiful and more deadly! ;)


    1. Rosalie and Eric? That would be soooo freakin' scary. Can you imagine how Rosalie would change with him around?? I shudder the thought. Granted they would make some amazing babies..

      But ooooh.. the thought of the two of them together is going to haunt me. lol. Thanks for that.. =)

    2. @Redd


      See, that was my THING. They'd be such a power-couple! lol :P And I mean that LITERALLY! Their attitudes, their need for control in their lives, their personalities...all so alike! I am sure there'd be power-struggles, and drama too...but wouldn't that make that story THAT much more interesting to read!?!?And yes, the thought of them together is just...*drool* lol :P Thanks for your comment, love! :D



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